Showing posts with label Headlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headlines. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2011

Today's headlines--GOP Iowa debate

Last night, potential Republican candidates for president squared off in a debate hosted by Fox News and the Washington Examiner. Highlights of the media coverage listed below:

"GOP candidates divided over Obama's kinship with Hitler"
--New York Times, page one

"Cain pitches ideas, half-off-second-pizza coupons at debate opponents"

"Bachmann has 'titanium spine,' Gingrich has no neck"
--San Francisco Chronicle, page three

"Gingrich to moderator: 'No fair asking me about things I've said!'"
--Washington Times, page one

"Romney to heckler: 'Corporations are people, my friend. And they have feelings too, you know!"
--Washington Post, page seven

"In order hereunto the Publisher will take what pains he can to obtain a Faithful Relation of all fresh things; and will particularly make himself beholden to such persons in Boston whom he knows to have been for their own use the diligent Observers of such matters"
--Publick Occurrences, broadsheet

"Santorum to Paul: 'Iran is not Iceland, Ron'; GOP hopefuls learn lots about the world and each other in healthy debate (and you can too!)" 
--Scholastic Books catalogue cover

"See Bachmann's eyes? We told you we didn't make that up!"
--Newsweek, front cover

"Democrats from under beds: 'Is it over yet?'"
--Perspective, page thirty-six (page since taken down)